The Evolution of Customer Mapping

From journey mapping, to journey management, to predictive journey mapping, MadeFor. investigates the evolution of how organisations have tracked the customer journey.

The Evolution of Customer Mapping

As businesses adopt an increasingly customer-centric approach into their way of life, the importance of understanding the customer journey has become paramount to enjoying continued success. This understanding helps businesses to effectively optimise the customer experience, reduce customer churn, and increase customer loyalty.  

Customer journey mapping has been a popular technique for understanding customers' journeys, but it is currently evolving into something even more powerful: predictive journey mapping. In this article, we’ll explore the evolution of customer mapping and how businesses can leverage predictive journey mapping to improve customer experiences and drive business growth.

From Journey Mapping to Journey Management

Customer journey mapping is a technique used to visualise the various touchpoints that customers have with a business throughout their journey. These touchpoints can include interactions with a business's website, social media channels, customer service representatives, and more. By mapping these touchpoints, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers' journeys, identify potential pain points, and optimise the customer experience.

Case Study: A leading bank in the United States used journey mapping to improve its customer experience.

The bank created a detailed map that showed the customer journey from opening an account to making a deposit. Through this map, the bank was able to identify areas where customers were experiencing pain points, such as a long wait time at the branch or confusing account setup processes.

By identifying these pain points, the bank was able to take steps to address them and improve the customer experience. For example, the bank implemented a new queuing system that reduced wait times at the branch. It also simplified the account setup process by making it more intuitive and user-friendly. These changes not only improved the overall customer experience but also increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Through its use of journey mapping, the bank was able to gain valuable insights into the customer experience and take concrete steps to improve it. This approach helped the bank stay competitive in a crowded market and differentiate itself from other financial institutions. Overall, this case study illustrates the power of journey mapping in identifying pain points and improving the customer experience.

While journey mapping has been a useful technique for many businesses, it has its limitations. Journey mapping provides a static view of customers' journeys, and it is not always clear how to take action based on the insight gained from journey maps. This is where journey management comes in.

Journey management is the practice of actively managing and optimising customer journeys based on the insights gained from journey maps. This involves identifying areas for improvement in the customer journey and implementing changes to address those areas. Journey management allows businesses to move beyond static journey maps and take concrete actions to improve customer experiences.

Case Study: Global retailer interrogated its data and uncovered churn patterns.

The global retailer in question analysed customer data to identify those customers who were at risk of churning. Once these at-risk customers were identified, the retailer used journey management techniques to tailor its marketing strategies specifically to retain those customers. This included offering personalised promotions and incentives, providing excellent customer service, and addressing any pain points or concerns that the customers may have had.

Using journey management, the retailer was able to reduce churn and improve customer loyalty. This was because the retailer was able to identify the specific areas where customers were experiencing issues and then take proactive steps to address those issues. By doing so, the retailer was able to demonstrate that it cared about its customers' experiences and was committed to providing an excellent customer experience.

This approach was highly successful, and the retailer was able to significantly increase customer retention and loyalty. The retailer was also able to reduce its marketing costs by targeting its efforts more effectively and efficiently. Overall, this case study demonstrates the power of journey management when it comes to improving customer experience and driving business results.

From Journey Management to Predictive Journey Mapping

While journey management has been a significant improvement over journey mapping, it still has its limitations. Journey management is a reactive approach that relies on identifying areas for improvement after customers have already experienced pain points. Predictive journey mapping takes a proactive approach to journey management by using data to predict and optimize customer journeys before pain points occur.

Predictive journey mapping leverages machine learning and predictive analytics to analyse customer data and predict how customers will interact with a business in the future. This allows businesses to anticipate customer needs and proactively address pain points before they occur. Predictive journey mapping enables businesses to move beyond reactive journey management and into a more proactive approach to customer experience optimization.

Case Study: Predictive Journey Mapping in Action

To understand the power of predictive journey mapping, let's look at a case study of a telecommunications company that used predictive journey mapping to reduce customer churn.

The telecommunications company had identified customer churn as a significant challenge. They had been using journey mapping to identify pain points in the customer journey and had implemented several changes to address those pain points. While these changes had resulted in some improvements, the company was still experiencing high levels of customer churn.

The company decided to try a more proactive approach to journey management and implemented a predictive journey mapping solution. This solution used machine learning and predictive analytics to analyse customer data and predict which customers were most likely to churn. The company then proactively reached out to those customers with targeted offers and solutions to address their pain points.

The results were significant. The company was able to reduce customer churn by 20% in just three months. By leveraging predictive journey mapping, the company was able to move beyond reactive journey management and proactively address pain points before they caused customers to churn.  

Customer mapping has come a long way from simple journey mapping to journey management to predictive journey mapping. While journey mapping and journey management are still useful techniques for understanding and improving customer experiences, predictive journey mapping represents the next evolution in customer mapping.

By integrating data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, predictive journey mapping enables businesses to anticipate their customers' future behaviour and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. This approach also allows businesses to move beyond reactive journey management and proactively address pain points before they occur, staying ahead of the curve, building stronger customer relationships, and increasing their revenue.

However, it's important to remember that while predictive journey mapping is a powerful tool, it's not a silver bullet. It's essential to have a holistic approach to customer mapping that considers multiple factors, such as customer feedback, market trends, and business objectives. By combining predictive journey mapping with other techniques and strategies, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers and create personalised experiences that drive growth and loyalty.

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