Nate Brown - Capturing the Loyalty of The Modern Customer Podcast

One of our first MadeFor. Talks hosts, Nate Brown helped set the standard for this successful series of expert insight sessions. With his talk, “Capturing the Loyalty of The Modern Customer”, Nate explained how to do exactly that, in a time where customer loyalty feels more evasive than ever.

Nate Brown - Capturing the Loyalty of The Modern Customer Podcast

For those that may not know Nate, he is Senior Director of CX at Arise, Co-Founder of CX Accelerator and general CX royalty… too much? What can we say, he’s sort of a big deal!

Starting off as a Customer Support Specialist back in 2008, today Nate can be seen teaching, advising, and helping large corporates and influential businesses adopt change, to better both employee and customer experiences.  

During his MadeFor. Talk, Nate provided his perspective on customer loyalty and the need to break free from many of the legacy techniques and mentalities that have been holding us back in order to confidently embrace a bold mission-driven approach to CX.

In Nate's words:

“Customers expect more than ever before. Loyalty is becoming harder to capture, and many organisations are left wondering how to succeed in this new era of the Experience Economy.

It's time to break free of many of the legacy techniques and mentalities that have been holding us back and embrace a bold mission-driven approach to CX. By galvanising employees around the brand core, measuring customer behaviours in enhanced ways, and nailing our digital experience, we can still capture the hearts and minds of our customers long-term.”

During his talk, Nate touched on:

  • Unifying the organisation around the principle of mission-driven CX to bring urgency and meaning to the work
  • Using modern methods to enhance your Voice of Customer engine and understand your customers like never before
  • Building a 360 degree view of the customer to reduce friction and enhance the digital experience
  • Leveraging an intelligent change management framework to grow the work of CX over time

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